The holidays always seem to sneak up fast and if you’re the one hosting the big holiday dinner party this year the pressure may be starting to build. But don’t stress, just get organized. With just a little prep, your festive get-together will be a breeze.
In most homes, the kitchen is the main hub for all of the festivities and your guests will undoubtedly spend most of their time in this room. Not to mention, many will bring their signature dishes which can easily overwhelm precious counter or refrigerator space.
The number one thing to do first is… DECLUTTER!
- Clear the Clutter
Throw away any junk mail that you will probably never look at anyway. Put the bills or any other important papers cluttering your countertops anywhere but there. If some of your mini kitchen appliances are out, put them away for the day. This one may be a hard one, but if you have the cutest holiday decorations on the counters, find another spot. A clean space is key when there is going to be a flurry of activity.
2. Organize your Cabinets
Take a peek in your cabinets right now and if it looks like a small bomb went off, get organizing! It’s always best to remove everything from each cabinet and get rid of the items you never use. Plus, now is the time to make sure you aren’t missing any supplies or utensils needed for your recipes. It’s also the perfect time to put the serveware you are going to use front and center.Christino Kitchen’s number one tip to organizing your cabinets is to divide and conquer. if you position everything correctly, you ultimately create space for more items and even better, avoid searching for them. Here is a pic that shows you exactly what we mean.
- Clear the Clutter
3. Clean & Organize the Refrigerator
The refrigerator is bound to be used a lot that day and filled to the brim with ingredients and heavy dishes, so you must make room. There are probably some hidden items in there that can be tossed away. It’s also very helpful to put your food in stackable Tupperware to make even more space. The door is going to inevitability be opened and closed a lot that day, so it couldn’t hurt to make sure all of the handles and gaskets are tight; and while you’re at it, might as well make sure the vents are clean too.
- Clean the Oven & Microwave
Don’t panic. Your oven most likely has a self-cleaning setting and the microwave can be cleaned with water and baking soda, it’s as simple as that. Going into the big cooking day with a clean refrigerator, organized cabinets and clean appliances is like a breath of fresh air. When all is complete and your alarm clock goes off that morning, you’ll be surprised how motivated and ready you feel.
5. Create A Cooking Schedule
Prepping items the night before is a huge time saver. You may not be able to do it for every dish, but do it for the ones you can. Just make sure you store them properly so they stay fresh. Creating a cooking schedule is another foolproof way to be prepared and to stay organized. It may seem a little over the top, especially if you’re a cooking pro, but having a schedule that day can be more of a lifesaver than you know.
These are just a few tips Christino Kitchens has in their toolkit, and if you follow them, you may surprise yourself and want to host the holidays every year. Happy Cooking!